Terms and conditions for the use of the wireless network (WiFi) “DANspot”

  1. These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Terms and Conditions) define the rules for the use of Internet access via a wireless computer network (WiFi) called „DANspot” (hereinafter referred to as „DANspot”).
  2. The owner and supplier of DANspot is DANWOOD S.A. with its registered office at 132 Brańska Street in Bielsk Podlaski (17-100), conducting business activity on the basis of entry of the National Court Register 0000515199 in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register in the District Court in Białystok, NIP 5431868964, REGON 050858327, BDO 000013337 with the share capital of PLN 100,000.00 (hereinafter referred to as „DANWOOD”).
  3. Access to DANspot is limited in space and time. DANspot is used by connecting a mobile device to DANspot available on the premises of the DANWOOD property, i.e. the premises of the Company’s real estate located in Bielsk Podlaski at 132 Brańska Street and 86 Kleszczelowska Street, as well as in the Company’s office in Białystok at 2/2A Ciołkowskiego Street.
  4. DANspot is dedicated to use by people from outside DANWOOD who visit the Company as guests.
  5. These Terms and Conditions apply to anyone who connects to the WiFi network with the SSID: „DANspot” (hereinafter referred to as the „User”).
  6. By sigining in to DANspot, the User agrees to comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
  7. DANWOOD does not charge for the use of DANspot. DANspot may not be used for private or commercial purposes not related to servicing/cooperating with DANWOOD.
  8. Access to DANspot is obtained by the User after authentication using the Token received from DANWOOD.
  9. The validity period of the Token and other access settings of a given User are configured individually.
  10. The need to generate a Token should be reported to your supprot person from DANWOOD.
  11. DANWOOD makes every effort to ensure that DANspot is available on the premises of each of the above-mentioned properties of the Company during the working hours of a given location.
  12. Taking into account the security and efficiency of the DANspot access service, DANWOOD does not guarantee the availability of all network, application and Internet services, in particular the Company:
    • does not guarantee constant bandwidth and other parameters,
    • does not guarantee continuous coverage of the above-mentioned property with a radio signal,
    • does not guarantee the uninterrupted, correct, uninterrupted operation of DANspot,
    • is not obliged to provide the User with technical support in the configuration of the Device and the use of the DANspot service,
    • has the right to impose restrictions on the connection time, bandwidth, data transfer limit and other parameters related to DANspot data transmission without notice and without notice,
    • has the right to record, control and supervise information or data for the purpose of ensuring security or for the purposes necessary to manage the DANspot network,
    • is not responsible for:
      • technical conditions of DANspot and delays in the Internet network, which may affect the actual transfer to and from the User’s device,
      • unauthorized use of software or other works that are subject to intellectual property protection of content available on the Internet,
      • damage caused by the software in the User’s possession or for any damage caused directly or indirectly by the User using the Internet via DANspot,
      • security of data sent and received by Users using DANspot,
      • damage to the User’s device working in DANspot,
      • for damage caused to the User by software provided by third parties,
      • data collected/provided by the User.
  13. The User is fully responsible for the actions taken by him/her, and thus each User undertakes in particular to:
    • use DANspot for lawful purposes,
    • not to use DANspot to disseminate unsolicited commercial information, etc.,
    • not to distribute computer viruses or other programs that may damage the devices of others,
    • not to breach the security of DANspot or DANWOOD’s ICT infrastructure,
    • not downloading or sharing copyrighted materials, pornographic, racist, fascist content, etc.,
    • not to upload or share content that may infringe anyone’s personal rights,
    • not to gain access to the resources of IT systems owned by other Internet users,
    • not to use applications and programs used to download/upload data,
    • not to disseminate, not to make DANspot available to third parties,
    • not to run service servers on devices connected to DANspot,
    • not impersonate other users,
    • not monitoring links or scanning ports,
    • ensure the possibility of using your own device at your own expense, including its protection against unauthorized access by third parties, as well as equip it with appropriate antivirus software, firewall and compatibility of your device with DANspot,
    • secure and take care of the security of the data they process,
    • refrain from any other activities that may be considered dangerous to the functioning of DANWOOD’s ICT network, acting to the detriment of the Company or contrary to the generally applicable law and these Terms and Conditions.
  14. The User may be temporarily or permanently disconnected from DANspot without notice for illegal activities, decency, threatening the safety of DANWOOD, as well as for inadequate security, configuration of their equipment or violation of any provision of the Terms and Conditions. The registered information in this regard may be forwarded to authorized services.
  15. DANWOOD shall not be liable for claims for non-performance or improper performance of these Terms and Conditions, tort, negligence or otherwise, resulting from loss of profit, revenue, goodwill, anticipated savings or data, or any indirect or consequential loss or damage.
  16. The User is entitled to file a complaint regarding the functioning of DANspot. Complaints should be submitted to the following address: danspot@danwood.pl[TK1]  The complaint should include, in particular, a description of the problem that is the basis for the complaint and marking the User by indicating the data collected during registration enabling their identification. DANWOOD reserves the right to consider only those complaints that meet the above requirements. DANWOOD shall consider the complaint within 7 days from the date of its receipt, sending information on how it has been handled to the User’s e-mail address. If the submitted complaint contains deficiencies that make it impossible to consider it, the Service Provider immediately calls the complainant to supplement it, specifying the deadline, not shorter than 7 working days, and the scope of this supplementation, with the instruction that failure to supplement the complaint within the specified period will result in leaving the complaint unexamined.
  17. DANWOOD is entitled to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time without notice. In the event of changes to these Terms and Conditions, the User is not entitled to any claims. Failure to read or understand the Terms and Conditions by the User does not release him from responsibility for compliance with them.
  18. Disputes arising from the use of the Network by the User shall be resolved by the common court having jurisdiction over the registered office of DANWOOD.
  19. In matters not covered by the regulations, the generally applicable provisions of law in Poland shall apply.
  20. The Terms and Conditions shall enter into force on the date of their publication.


  1. By using DANspot, DANWOOD obtains access to data about the device from which the connection was made, in the form of a MAC number, make and model of the device, data on the User’s Internet activity, i.e. websites browsed, date and time of connection to the WiFi and the duration of the session, and in the case of contact to file a complaint, also additional data indicated in the notification sent by the User.
  2. Providing data by the User is voluntary, but necessary to use DANspot and other related rights.
  3. In view of the above, in accordance with Article 13(1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland). UE L 119) – hereinafter referred to as GDPR, DANWOOD S.A. hereby informs that:
    • The administrator of the User’s personal data is DANWOOD S.A. with its registered office in Bielsk Podlaski (17-100), 132 Brańska Street. You can contact us through the Data Protection Officer of DANWOOD S.A. by e-mail at dpo@danwood.pl or by phone at +48 85 877 31 64.
    • The processing of personal data takes place for the following purposes:
      1. provision of the „DANspot” WiFi service, to the extent necessary to perform the agreement to which the User is a party or to take action at the request of the User prior to the conclusion of the agreement (Article 6(b) of the GDPR),
      2. the legitimate interest of the Data Controller consisting in the determination and pursuit of claims or defence against claims (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR).
    • The collected data will be stored for a period of 1 year from the date of connection or unsuccessful connection attempt. Personal data obtained and processed for the purpose of pursuing claims and defending against possible claims will be stored until the expiry of the rights in this respect, i.e. the statute of limitations for claims resulting from the provisions of law and/or for the period required by law.
    • The recipients of the data to whom the Administrator has made the data available or entrusted in order to perform the commissioned tasks are IT service providers.
    • The User has the right to access the content of their personal data, rectify it, delete it or limit its processing or the right to object to the processing, the right to transfer data and the right to withdraw consent (in cases where the data is processed on the basis of consent) at any time – without affecting the lawfulness of the processing that was carried out on the basis of consent granted before its withdrawal. In the event of a violation of EU or national data protection regulations, there is a right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, i.e. the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.
    • The Controller does not intend to transfer data to third countries and/or international organisations, or to make automated decisions or use profiling against the data subject.